We took Natie to Hood River for Day Out with Thomas a couple weekends ago. Unfortunately, we all agreed it was lame. Maybe our expectations were too high. At least it was a nice day for the drive.
Here's Justin and Natalie waiting for Thomas to arrive.

This was the most exciting part....when Thomas pulled up, blowing his steam whistle.

Here they are again with Thomas after our boring 20 minute ride on one of his dirty old coaches.

Natie and Thomas

Natie met Sir Topham Hat (who was a high school girl in a cheesy nylon costume, not even a real guy).

On a cuter note, here's Natie playing in Nana's pool the other day.
She spent the longest time just pouring the water from the pitcher to the bucket to the pool, over and over again. So easily entertained.
Thomas pulling up is pretty much the most exciting part. I thought it was so cute because all the kids freaked out but in your pic it looks like not many people where there. I guess you need all the energy and excitement from the kids to make it magical. We can't wait to play in Nana's pool with our Natie B!!! Aloha!
Oops...I meant were not where...
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