I haven't taken many pictures this summer and I realized its because now that Natalie is walking, she's rarely holding still long enough for me to take a picture. At least one that isn't blurry. She's either charging the camera or running away. So here's what I have from the last month or so...
This is how most of my pictures are turning out....blurry...

She doesn't like it when I don't let her touch the camera...

I picked up this hat before our camping trip and thought we better get used to it since she doesn't usually like things on her head or in her hair. She actually liked this one...

Oh, there's one more thing she likes on her head....these 2 feathery headbands that I bought and have never worn. She sneaks in my room and puts them on. Pretty cute...

She recently figured out zippers and now she unzips her pajamas every night. I got her up one morning a couple weeks ago and she was completely unzipped with one foot out.

Here she is again, moving fast, running circles around me.

Here's the lens cap, Mom. Can I touch the camera now?
We got the cutest naked backside picture at bath time the other day, but I figure I should only post this one since this is the internet. She has about 25 little rubber bath animals that we line up on the edge of the bath tub and she LOVES playing with them whether she's in the tub or not. She throws them in and squeals.

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