She's managed to rub off about half of her hair now. Its nice and thick at the neckline though, so that's a good look.

Last week, Justin put her down for a nap and I listened to her lay there squealing and making motor boat noises for about 15 minutes. The cutest thing I've ever heard. She must have just figured out how to make the sound with her mouth and she was trying it out.
She is drooling and chewing/biting like nobody's business. If she wasn't just 4 months old, I'd think she was cutting her front 4 teeth.
Now, if I rock her to sleep, she snuggles her head in my chest, curls her legs up, and pulls whatever stuffed animals or blankets she can up to or over her face. Pretty sweet. She especially loves to do this with the golf green taggie blanket that Mimi made for her.
Here's our little love.....

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