Quinn Madeleine was born on November 28th at 2:03pm. She weighed in at 9 lbs 15 oz and was 21 in long. She has crazy black hair and chubby cheeks, just like her sister had. So far, she's been a super sweet and easy-going baby. We're so happy she's here and healthy!
Here's a picture of her at 4 days old

We didn't take many pictures at the hospital, but here she is when she was first born.

And here she is with her dad

Big sister came to see her at the hospital. Here's Natalie holding and kissing her.

Here she is after her first bath at home. Look at her crazy, fuzzy hair!

Here's Natalie all dressed up and ready to go see Santa!

She wasn't afraid at all this year. In fact, she gave him a big hug before getting up on his lap. Quinn was 1 week old here.

Here's Santa holding her hand while she tells him what she wants for Christmas.

Here's a couple pictures of our girls. Quinn is a week and a half old.

This one is not so good of Natie, but look at Quinn's smile. :)

Getting a good picture of 2 kids is much harder than one. Check out some of the outtakes...
Natie's famous smile. Justin calls it the anti-smile.

Baby Blockhead :)

Since I haven't posted anything since October, here are a few pictures from the past month or so.
Natie and Nana at Thanksgiving. Her "stink-eye" makes me laugh every time.

Here's our little Duck fan all geared up and ready to watch a game with her dad.

End of October (and very pregnant), I went to a Duck game to celebrate Jacquie's bachelorette. Here's Danyel, Jacquie, Jennie and I. So fun being together again and so excited for my kiddo to get married in a few months!