Happy Easter Everyone! Here are a few pictures and videos of our morning...
Natalie with her Dad
Natie and I

Had to wear a big winter coat over her springy dress because it was 40 degrees this morning. The tights and sandals combo crack me up.

We got coffee and donuts after church this morning. Here's Natie sharing a maple bar with Dad. She LOVES maple bars!

The Easter Bunny brought her some treats!

A new Elmo video!

Another new pair of sunglasses for Hawaii.

Here are a few videos we took. These might be a little boring for most but I know some of our out-of-town family will want to see her. :)
Video 1 - Here she is starting to open her Easter basket. She discovers M&Ms in her eggs. Yum!
Video 3 - More Easter basket. You'll notice she sticks her tongue out when she's concentrating. :)
Video 4 - Playing with her new train. She says Elmo (which usually sounds like El-mee) near the end.
Video 5 - Playing with the bunny that Nana and Poppy gave her.
We're looking forward to celebrating Easter and Justin's birthday this afternoon with Justin's side of our family! We hope all of you have a relaxing and enjoyable Easter! xoxo