Still no crawling or walking. She just sits and shuffles her legs real fast like she's running. She gets frustrated when she doesn't go anywhere. I guess if nothing else, its good exercise.
It cracks me up that she'll just burst into laughter for no apparent reason. She does it a lot lately, especially in the stroller or in the car. What is so funny?
I think its so interesting how she inspects things. Justin let her hold the remote control the other night. She must have sat there for 15 or 20 minutes just passing it from hand to hand, rotating it in every direction, turning it over, squeezing it, holding it over her head. Completely mesmerized. She's figuring out how things work.
All her little expressions and smiles make me laugh. I think she has such a sweet little personality.
Here she is wearing a sweater that my Grandma Bennett knit for me when I was a baby. Unfortunately, I cut off her head, but the smile was priceless.

Here's an action shot of her rolling all over the place.

I decided we better start getting used to wearing sunglasses since we're going to Hawaii soon. How funny are these? I was dying when I put them on her.