Last week, Justin finally got her to roll from her back to her tummy. She must have rolled back and forth 10 times in a row that night as we cheered for her. She's been rolling around pretty well since. The only problem is that now she doesn't want to sit up anymore!
She constantly says "Hey" or "Hi". I'd like to think its because she hears me say it often, but its likely just a random sound that happens to come out on a regular basis (and sometimes even at appropriate moments). Its funny, she studies my lips when I say "mama" or "dada" to her, but nothing even close to those sounds ever comes out. I swear her little voice gets cuter all the time.
Still no teeth, but constant chewing and tons of drool. She gets so aggressive chewing her toys sometimes that she gets red marks on the sides of her mouth (see 1st pic below). She's doesn't seem to care though. I think I'll miss her big gummy smile when those teeth finally do come in.
She loves looking at pictures of people, especially of herself. When she sees herself on the wall, the computer screen, or the "Natie tree" at Nana's house, she lights up with a big smile and sometimes a squeal. I'm sure she doesn't know she's looking at herself yet, but she sure likes what she sees. :)
I could go on and on, but here's our baby girl at 8 months...

I had to add these 2...they crack me up...